Who am I?

“Who am I?”

Hello world, have you ever asked yourself the question "Who am I?" This seems to be a question that hunts us all. I cannot give you the answer to the question because no one can except you, only you can figure that out. You just need to really ask the question to yourself and bother yourself with it and maybe then you can be on the right path. And truth be told only few people seem to answer this question.

So, who am I? Am I good at sports, do I like music, do I think of myself as a smart decision maker, is my social life interesting and interactive, am I popular, what does my friends think of me, why do people disagree with me a lot, do I have acceptance in my society, do people like my way of living life, am I a happy and open minded person or do I just get angry a lot and do things which I regret later, do I work hard to succeed or do I just sit waiting for someone to do my work, do I take responsibilities or do I blame others for something I did wrong, do my personality change whenever am in a different setting, am I confident enough to speak for myself, do I say what I mean and do what I want to do, do my actions speak for me, what do people think of me, do my behavior change whenever my level of states increase? Who am I?

These questions above are still not going to answer our question. Though they will give us some hints on the question "Who am I" because the answer to the question is like a puzzle you can't just guess it everything should fit in perfectly and those questions above are the pieces to the puzzle. Psychology says "who we are all our identities, everything we believe to be, are all dependent on something else. like I am a passenger because I am on a bus, I am a husband because I have a wife, I am a father because I have a son." So, then who am I?

"By not knowing the answer to the question, 'Who am I?', we keep on creating new identities of our self, consequently going farther away from our true Self. Until we realize our true Self, we believe our self to be the name that has been given to us." But to answer this question first get ready to know and accept your weakness and strengths, know what you can do and admit what you cannot do, be honest with yourself and respect yourself, get ready for judgments and criticisms and start asking questions and be open minded about all the feedback you are going to get.

But there also seem to be another way, a scientific process called Gnan Vidhi (Self Realization ceremony). This scientific process Believes that "In reality, we are an eternal Soul. For infinite past lives the Soul has been hidden beneath a veil of ignorance. Due to this, we have been unable to experience the true Self."

As I have said in the beginning I cannot tell you the answer to the question 'Who am I?' I can only help you and show you the path to follow and then it's your journey.
